No matter the situation, as God's cherished child, purchased by the blood of His Son, hope survives, even thrives, when there's an outlook that's heavenward and a perspective that's eternal.
But, practically speaking, how do you and I experience this? How do we—right amid legitimate challenges, crises, and concerns; right amid heartaches and heaviness—maintain authentic hope?
It starts with the Word. We must daily intake the truths of Scripture.
Because earth's temporary circumstances will tempt us daily to take our eyes off Jesus, we must daily consume the counsel, correction, and comfort of God's Word. This habitual discipline keeps our eyes on the Father, Son, and Spirit; keeps focus on our position as a dearly loved, cared-for child; and keeps our minds set on what's heavenly and eternal.
"My soul is weary with sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word."
Psalm 119:28
It's shaped by willingness. We must daily think thoughts aligned with God's Word.
What benefit does the Bible afford us, no matter how much we expose our minds to it, if we're unwilling to replace worry with revelation, toxicity with truth? This is why we must be purposeful and diligent about recognizing the lying thoughts that take their stand against the truth of God's Word. Once identified, we must give such thoughts no lingering, permanent positions in our minds. Daily, we must cultivate our mind's renewal, through alignment to God's revealed truth.
'I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
I have set my heart on your laws."
Psalm 119:30
It's solidified through worship. We must daily shift our minds toward the adoration of the Father.
Aside from the power of the habitual intake of Scripture, I can think of no other practice that fuels hope more than the worship of the Father, in spirit and truth. Whether we're in a crowd of other believers or absolute solitude, whether we're in a church house or at our kitchen sinks, whether our surroundings are engulfed in music or complete silence, worship does something transformative within us. As we participate in what we were created to do, there's no place for fear or worry, no room for anxiety or hopelessness. We cannot worship and woe simultaneously. Hence, authentic worship is crucial to maintaining a hopeful, heavenly disposition.
"May my lips overflow with praise,
for you teach me your decrees.
May my tongue sing of your word,
for all your commands are righteous."
Psalm 119: 171-172
Undoubtedly, we can experience the most challenging and crushing circumstances, this side of Heaven. Yet, as children of the Most High, we can still have hope. We can! We can face the greatest disappointments and setbacks, yet hope can ultimately remain intact. We can hear the most shattering news that alters our reality but hope, though it may be tempted to dwindle, will not destruct! We can wait and watch year after year for an unfulfilled promise to come to pass and, even still, hope will remain alive. Yes, even thrive.
How in the world does this happen?
How can there be genuine hope when there's genuine hard?
It happens because the continual intake of God's living, active Word, partnered with willingness and worship, accomplishes a mighty, transforming work within: It fixes our attention on the sweet Savior; it focuses our mind on our Father, the powerful Creator; it reassures us of the indwelling Spirit of Christ, the ever-present Helper; it renews our perspective and our outlook; it reveals God's heart, affirms His purpose, and firmly establishes our footing; and it reminds us that because we've been mercifully forgiven through Jesus' sacrifice, we stand in the authoritative position of victory, come what may.